
The Full-Stack Marketer

⏰ My secrets to managing my side hustle time

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How to Guard Your Time as a Freelance Side-Hustler

You know how precious your time is if you’re like me, juggling a full-time job and a freelance business. Setting boundaries and being efficient isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s critical. Here’s how I manage it.

First, get clear on what you do—and what you don’t.
It’s so important to define your services upfront. Clients appreciate knowing exactly what to expect, and it prevents a ton of confusion later. Equally crucial? Being honest about what isn’t included. If a client asks for something extra, I don’t hesitate to say, “Sure, I’d love to help! This isn’t part of our original agreement, so here’s the rate for that.” Remember, protecting your time is part of running a sustainable business.

Next, communicate your availability early.
Your full-time job likely comes with its own demands, so you can’t afford to be “always on” for clients. I make it clear when I’m available and not, and I stick to that. For example, clients know this from the get-go if evenings or weekends are off-limits. It’s about managing expectations right from the start.

I also use Loom to send quick, personalized video updates. This way, clients can get a project rundown without needing to schedule a meeting, saving both of us time.

On top of that, I send monthly reports to keep everyone in the loop. These reports outline our progress and include a handy calendar link so clients can easily book time with me if needed. Efficient, right?

Now, let’s talk about valuing your time.
Pricing is a tricky topic, but here’s a rule I follow: I take my full-time salary, multiply it by 1.5, and use that as my baseline freelance rate.

Why the multiplier? Because freelancing while working full-time comes with extra stress and complexity, so your time deserves a premium.

I also make sure to review and adjust my rates annually. Clients know that every January or July (depending on when we started working together), they may see a slight rate change. It’s all about being transparent and professional.

And finally, don’t feel bad about saying no to free work.
I get it—when a client asks for a “quick favor,” it’s tempting to say yes. But here’s the reality: if you’re doing freelancing on the side, your time is at a premium. If something falls outside our original scope, I’m clear about charging for it. I frame it positively, but I’m firm. The more you value your time, the more others will, too.

Running a side hustle alongside a full-time job is a constant balancing act. But with clear communication, efficient updates, and a strong sense of your worth, you can make it work—and even thrive. Every minute counts, so guard yours wisely.

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